import sys from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable debug = True #debug = not debug # Dependencies are automatically detected, but it might need fine tuning. # "packages": ["os"] is used as example only build_exe_options = {"packages": ["os"], "excludes": ["tkinter"], "include_msvcr": True, "include_files": ["icon.png", "config.yml", "keyfile-admin.pem", "WXPython.png", "WXPython_30x30.png", "settings.png", "settings_30x30.png"], "optimize": 1} # base="Win32GUI" should be used only for Windows GUI app base = None if sys.platform == "win32" and not debug: base = "Win32GUI" if sys.platform == "linux" or sys.platform == "linux2" or sys.platform == "darwin": name = "IPPigeon" else: name = "IPPigeon.exe" setup( name="IP Pigeon", version="0.2.4", description="IP Pigeon client application", options={"build_exe": build_exe_options}, executables=[Executable("", base=base, icon="icon.ico", uac_admin=True, target_name=name)], )