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162 lines
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162 lines
5.5 KiB
import taskbartool
import os
import subprocess
from multiprocessing import Process, Manager, Pool, TimeoutError, freeze_support
from sys import platform
from time import sleep
import time
import csv
import uuid
displaydata = None
settings = None
netdata_res = None
procdata_res = None
killme = None
win32 = platform == "win32"
linux = platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2"
macos = platform == "darwin"
# Get unique system values
if win32:
sysid = hex(uuid.getnode())
# Python is running as Administrator (so netstat can get filename, to block, etc),
# so we use this to see who is actually logged in
res = subprocess.check_output(["WMIC", "ComputerSystem", "GET", "UserName"], universal_newlines=True)
_, username = res.strip().rsplit("\n", 1)
userid, sysdom = username.rsplit("\\", 1)
def find_data_file(filename):
if getattr(sys, "frozen", False):
# The application is frozen
datadir = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
# The application is not frozen
# Change this bit to match where you store your data files:
datadir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
return os.path.join(datadir, filename)
def run_ps(cmd):
if win32:
completed =["powershell", "-Command", cmd], capture_output=True)
return completed
def netstat():
print("netstat started")
if win32:
data = run_ps("netstat -n -o -b")
return data
def netstat_done(res):
print("netstat done")
procdata_res = pool.apply_async(process_netstat, (res,))
#netdata_res = pool.apply_async(netstat)
def process_netstat(data):
print("netstat processing")
if win32:
#output = data.stdout
output = data.stdout.decode().split('\r\n') # split stdout into lines
if output.find("The requested operation requires elevation.") >= 0:
raise PermissionError("Unable to acquire netstat data without admin!")
output2 = list()
output2.append([sysid, userid, sysdom, int( time.time() )]) # add metadata
procname = ""
"""for x in range(4, len(output)):
tmp = output[x].split(" ")
tmp = [i for i in output[x] if i]
if len(len(tmp) == 1):
procname = tmp[0]
output2[x] = list()
output2[x].append(output[x].split(" "))
output2[x] = [i for i in output2[x] if i]
output2 = [i for i in output2 if i]
x = len(output) - 1 # start at the end because filename comes after connection
procname = "Unknown" # if the very last connection happens to have no file (yes, it's possible), we can say unknown
while x > 3:
string = output[x]
#print("LINE: ", string)
string_split = string.split(" ")
string_split = [i for i in string_split if i]
if string.find("Can not obtain ownership information") >= 0: # Higher privilige than us, must be system
procname = "Windows System"
elif string.find("]") >= 0 and string.find("[") == 1: # generic [file.exe]
procname = string[2:-1]
elif len(string_split) == 5: # actual netstat line
tmp = [procname,] # add executable name first
tmp.extend(string.split(" "))
tmp = [i for i in tmp if i]
#else: # In case of an extra line above file, or an empty line, ignore it
#print("Garbage data", string)
x = x - 1
#output2 = output2[2:]
with open("out.csv", "w", newline="") as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
def mainloop(pool):
# worker pool: netstat, netstat cleanup, upload, download, ui tasks
print("start loop")
global netdata_res
global procdata_res
global rawdata
global killme
if killme[0]:
if netdata_res is None or netdata_res.ready():
#rawdata = netdata_res.get()
#procdata_res = pool.apply_async(process_netstat, (rawdata))
print("netstat starting")
netdata_res = pool.apply_async(netstat, callback=netstat_done)
if __name__ == '__main__':
freeze_support() # required if packaged into single EXE
# create manager to share data to me, background, foreground
# create worker pool
with Pool(processes=5) as pool:
with Manager() as manager:
displaydata = manager.list(range(2)) # data to be printed
settings = manager.list(range(20)) # configuration
killme = manager.list(range(1))
killme[0] = False
# launch background UI app as process
p = Process(target=taskbartool.background, args=(displaydata,settings,killme))
#p.join() # not a foreground job, so let's not join it
keeprunning = True
# initial setup
#netdata_res = pool.apply_async(netstat, callback=netstat_done)
# launch loop - non-blocking!