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302 lines
9.9 KiB
302 lines
9.9 KiB
import os
import sys
import subprocess
from multiprocessing import Process, Manager, Pool, TimeoutError, freeze_support, active_children
from sys import platform
from time import sleep
import uuid
import yaml
from util import find_data_file
from util import fprint
from util import kill
from util import run_cmd
import taskbartool
import util
import netstat
import ssh
import auth
import panel
import block
badapps = [756, 278670]
badips = ["",]
displaydata = None
settings = None
netdata_res = None
procdata_res = None
killme = None
ppanel = None
datafile = ""
config = None
interval = 10
win32 = platform == "win32"
linux = platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2"
macos = platform == "darwin"
# Get unique system values
if win32:
sysid = hex(uuid.getnode())
datafile += sysid
datafile += "gendata.csv"
# Python is running as Administrator (so netstat can get filename, to block, etc),
# so we use this to see who is actually logged in
# it's very hacky
startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
#if not getattr(sys, "frozen", False):
startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW # hide powershell window
res = subprocess.check_output(["WMIC", "ComputerSystem", "GET", "UserName"], universal_newlines=True, startupinfo=startupinfo)
_, username = res.strip().rsplit("\n", 1)
userid, sysdom = username.rsplit("\\", 1)
if linux or macos:
sysid = hex(uuid.getnode())
datafile += sysid
datafile += "gendata.csv"
res = subprocess.check_output(["who",], universal_newlines=True)
userid = res.strip().split(" ")[0]
sysdom = subprocess.check_output(["hostname",], universal_newlines=True).strip()
def netstat_done(res):
fprint("netstat done, processing")
procdata_res = pool.apply_async(netstat.process, (res,), callback=process_done)
def process_done(res):
if settings["running"] == True:
fprint("uploading to sftp...")
#ssh.sftp_send_data(res, config, datafile)
procdata_res = pool.apply_async(ssh.sftp_send_data, (config, datafile, 'send'), callback=upload_done)
def upload_done(res):
settings["block"] = True
def login_done(res):
if not res:
fprint("Login failure")
settings["message"] = "Login failure"
fprint("Login result in main: " + str(res))
settings["loggedin"] = res
settings["continueui"] = True
def blockdata_done(res):
global settings
fprint("FINISHED downloading block data")
tmpkill = settings["kill"]
settings["kill"] = False
#block_res = pool.apply_async(block.block_conn, (config, datafile, res, settings))
block_pids, block_ips, block_data = block.block_conn(config, datafile, res)
tmplist = settings["badapps"]
for x in block_pids:
if not x in tmplist:
settings["badapps"] = tmplist
tmplist = settings["badips"]
for x in block_ips:
if not x in tmplist:
settings["badips"] = tmplist
settings["kill"] = tmpkill
tmplist = settings["badlines"]
for x in block_data:
if not x in tmplist:
settings["badlines"] = tmplist
settings["newdata"] = True
def killall():
kids = active_children()
for kid in kids:
fprint("Every child has been killed")
os.kill(os.getpid(), 9) # dirty kill of self
def mainloop(pool):
# worker pool: netstat, netstat cleanup, upload, download, ui tasks
global config
global counter
global netdata_res
global procdata_res
global rawdata
global killme
global ppanel
if killme.value > 0:
util.clear_fwll() # clear the firewall rules before shutdown
if counter == 0: # runs every INTERVAL
#fprint("start loop")
if netdata_res is None or netdata_res.ready():
#rawdata = netdata_res.get()
#procdata_res = pool.apply_async(process_netstat, (rawdata))
fprint("netstat starting")
netdata_res = pool.apply_async(netstat.start, callback=netstat_done)
# runs every 50ms
if settings["continueui"] == True:
settings["continueui"] = False
#if ppanel is not None:
# login panel is already open
# ppanel.terminate()
# ppanel = Process(target=panel.openwindow, args=(displaydata,settings,killme))
# ppanel.start()
if settings["showui"] == True:
settings["showui"] = False
ppanel = Process(target=panel.openwindow, args=(displaydata,settings,killme))
if settings["login"] == True:
login_res = pool.apply_async(auth.login, (config, settings["username"], settings["password"], sysid), callback=login_done)
#fprint(auth.login(config, settings["username"], settings["password"], sysid))
settings["login"] = False
if settings["block"] == True and settings["running"] == True:
blockdata_res = pool.apply_async(block.get_blocklist, (config,), callback=blockdata_done)
settings["block"] = False
if config["core"]["level"] == 0:
settings["kill"] = False
settings["fwll"] = False
if config["core"]["level"] == 1:
settings["kill"] = True
settings["fwll"] = False
if config["core"]["level"] == 2:
settings["kill"] = False
settings["fwll"] = True
if config["core"]["level"] == 3:
settings["kill"] = True
settings["fwll"] = True
if settings["kill"] == True:
tmplist = settings["badapps"]
settings["badapps"] = list()
for x in tmplist:
if settings["fwll"] == True:
tmplist = settings["badlines"]
settings["badlines"] = list()
for line in tmplist:
badproto = line[1]
badip = line[4]
badport = line[5]
fprint("Firewalling " + badip + ":" + str(badport))
if win32:
cmd = 'New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "IPPigeon Security Rule ' + badip + ':' + str(badport) + '" -Group "IPPigeon" -Direction Outbound -LocalPort Any -Protocol ' + badproto + ' -Action Block -RemoteAddress ' + badip + ' -RemotePort ' + str(badport)
if linux:
cmd = "nft add rule ip ippigeon output ip daddr " + badip + " " + badproto.lower() + " dport " + str(badport) + " drop"
if settings["applyconfig"] == True:
settings["applyconfig"] = False
config = settings["config"]
with open(find_data_file('config.yml'), 'w') as filewrite:
#global config
yaml.dump(config, filewrite)
fprint("Config saved!")
sleep(interval / (interval * config["core"]["clockspeed"]))
counter += 1
if counter == interval * config["core"]["clockspeed"]:
counter = 0
class Logger(object):
def __init__(self, filename="output.log"):
self.log = open(filename, "a")
self.terminal = sys.stdout
def write(self, message):
#self.log = open(filename, "a")
def flush(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
freeze_support() # required if packaged into single EXE
# create manager to share data to me, background, foreground
# create worker pool
sys.stdout = Logger(filename=find_data_file("output.log"))
sys.stderr = Logger(filename=find_data_file("output.log"))
with Manager() as manager:
with Pool(processes=5) as pool:
with open(find_data_file('config.yml'), 'r') as fileread:
#global config
config = yaml.safe_load(fileread)
interval = config['core']['interval']
displaydata = manager.list(range(2)) # data to be printed
settings = manager.dict() # configuration
settings["login"] = False
settings["loggedin"] = False
settings["showui"] = False
settings["continueui"] = False
settings["killbox"] = list()
settings["badapps"] = list()
settings["badips"] = list()
settings["badlines"] = list()
settings["block"] = False
settings["kill"] = False
settings["config"] = config
settings["applyconfig"] = False
settings["fwll"] = 0
settings["running"] = config["core"]["autostart"]
settings["newdata"] = False
killme = manager.Value('d', 0)
#killme = False
# launch background UI app as process
p = Process(target=taskbartool.background, args=(displaydata,settings,killme))
#p.join() # not a foreground job, so let's not join it
keeprunning = True
# initial setup
#netdata_res = pool.apply_async(netstat, callback=netstat_done)
if linux:
run_cmd("nft delete table ip ippigeon")
run_cmd("nft create table ip ippigeon")
run_cmd("nft add chain ip ippigeon output { type filter hook output priority 0 \; policy accept\; }")
#run_cmd("nft add chain ippigeon filter")
# launch loop - non-blocking!
counter = 0
mainloop(pool) |