# VEXcode makefile 2019_03_26_01 # show compiler output VERBOSE = 0 # include toolchain options include vex/mkenv.mk # location of the project source cpp and c files SRC_C = $(wildcard src/*.cpp) SRC_C += $(wildcard src/*.c) SRC_C += $(wildcard src/*/*.cpp) SRC_C += $(wildcard src/*/*.c) OBJ = $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(SRC_C))) ) # location of include files that c and cpp files depend on SRC_H = $(wildcard include/*.h) # additional dependancies SRC_A = makefile # project header file locations INC_F = include # build targets all: $(BUILD)/$(PROJECT).bin # include build rules include vex/mkrules.mk