""" Helper module to generate the pydoc based """ import os import settings import sys from glob import glob from pydoc import writedoc # So we can find the libs sys.path.append('libs') PACKAGES = ["net2base", "net2xs", "net2xs.conversions", "net2xs.deftypes", "net2dbxs", "network", "network.net2plus", "network.sqlserver"] INDEX = "index.htm" def read_file(file_name): """Read file content """ with open(file_name) as f: return f.read() def alter_doc(content): """Change doc content - Strip reference to local python file - Replace index with our own index file """ pos1 = content.find("= 0: pos2 = content.find("", pos1) content = content[:pos1] + content[pos2 + len(""):] content = content.replace('index', 'index') return content def alter_index(content): """Change index content - Replace version place holder with actual version """ content = content.replace('#VERSION#', settings.VERSION) return content def write_file(file_name, content): """Write content as file """ with open(file_name, "w") as f: f.write(content) if __name__ == "__main__": # Create docs for p in PACKAGES: writedoc(p) # For each html, generated into src, write altered to docs for src in glob("*.html"): dest = '../docs/' + src content = read_file(src) content = alter_doc(content) write_file(dest, content) os.remove(src) # Write index with correct version to docs content = read_file(INDEX) dest = '../docs/' + INDEX content = alter_index(content) write_file(dest, content)