keycodelst = {"A":0x04} #keycodelst["Q"] = 0x04 keycodelst["B"] = 0x05 keycodelst["C"] = 0x06 keycodelst["D"] = 0x07 keycodelst["E"] = 0x08 keycodelst["F"] = 0x09 keycodelst["G"] = 0x0a keycodelst["H"] = 0x0b keycodelst["I"] = 0x0c keycodelst["J"] = 0x0d keycodelst["K"] = 0x0e keycodelst["L"] = 0x0f keycodelst["M"] = 0x10 keycodelst["N"] = 0x11 keycodelst["O"] = 0x12 keycodelst["P"] = 0x13 keycodelst["Q"] = 0x14 keycodelst["R"] = 0x15 keycodelst["S"] = 0x16 keycodelst["T"] = 0x17 keycodelst["U"] = 0x18 keycodelst["V"] = 0x19 keycodelst["W"] = 0x1a keycodelst["X"] = 0x1b keycodelst["Y"] = 0x1c keycodelst["Z"] = 0x1d keycodelst["1"] = 0x1e keycodelst["2"] = 0x1f keycodelst["3"] = 0x20 keycodelst["4"] = 0x21 keycodelst["5"] = 0x22 keycodelst["6"] = 0x23 keycodelst["7"] = 0x24 keycodelst["8"] = 0x25 keycodelst["9"] = 0x26 keycodelst["0"] = 0x27 keycodelst["ENTER"] = 0x28 keycodelst["ESCAPE"] = 0x29 keycodelst[","] = 0x36 keycodelst["BACKSPACE_DELETE"] = 0x2a keycodelst["TAB"] = 0x2b keycodelst[" "] = 0x2c keycodelst["RIGHT_PARENTHESIS"] = 0x2d keycodelst["="] = 0x2e keycodelst["^"] = 0x2f #keycodelst["DOLLAR_SIGN"] = 0x30 keycodelst["\\"] = 0x31 # Actually a mu keycodelst["#"] = 0x32 keycodelst["U_ACCENT"] = 0x34 keycodelst["ACCENT_GRAVE"] = 0x35 # Actually, a superscript 2 keycodelst[";"] = 0x36 keycodelst[":"] = 0x37 keycodelst["<"] = 0x64 # Actually exclamation point keycodelst["CAPS_LOCK"] = 0x39 keycodelst["F1"] = 0x3a keycodelst["F2"] = 0x3b keycodelst["F3"] = 0x3c keycodelst["F4"] = 0x3d keycodelst["F5"] = 0x3e keycodelst["F6"] = 0x3f keycodelst["F7"] = 0x40 keycodelst["F8"] = 0x41 keycodelst["F9"] = 0x42 keycodelst["F10"] = 0x43 keycodelst["F11"] = 0x44 keycodelst["F12"] = 0x45 keycodelst["PRINT_SCREEN"] = 0x46 keycodelst["SCROLL_LOCK"] = 0x47 keycodelst["PAUSE_BREAK"] = 0x48 keycodelst["INSERT"] = 0x49 keycodelst["HOME"] = 0x4a keycodelst["PAGE_UP"] = 0x4b keycodelst["DELETE"] = 0x4c keycodelst["END"] = 0x4d keycodelst["PAGE_DOWN"] = 0x4e keycodelst["RIGHT_ARROW"] = 0x4f keycodelst["LEFT_ARROW"] = 0x50 keycodelst["DOWN_ARROW"] = 0x51 keycodelst["UP_ARROW"] = 0x52 keycodelst["CLEAR"] = 0x53 keycodelst["LEFT_CTRL"] = 0xe0 keycodelst["LEFT_SHIFT"] = 0xe1 keycodelst["LEFT_ALT"] = 0xe2 keycodelst["LEFT_META"] = 0xe3 keycodelst["RIGHT_CTRL"] = 0xe4 keycodelst["RIGHT_SHIFT"] = 0xe5 keycodelst["RIGHT_ALT"] = 0xe6 keycodelst["RIGHT_META"] = 0xe7 keycodelst["MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE"] = 0xe8 keycodelst["REFRESH"] = 0xfa # Keycodes that have no mapping in AZERTY keycodelst["/"] = 0x38 keycodelst["["] = 0x2f keycodelst["-"] = 0x2d keycodelst["]"] = 0x30 keycodelst["."] = 0x37 #keycodelst["\'"] = 0x31 # This exists, but we use keycodelst["4 instead. keycodelst["`"] = 0x35 keycodelst["\'"] = 0x34