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25 lines
744 B

pkgbase = bbswitch-g14-dkms-git
pkgdesc = kernel module allowing to switch dedicated graphics card on the Zephyrus G14 and other similar laptops
pkgver = 0.8.r5.gddbd243
pkgrel = 1
url =
arch = i686
arch = x86_64
license = GPL
makedepends = git
depends = dkms
depends = linux-headers
provides = bbswitch
conflicts = bbswitch-git
conflicts = bbswitch
conflicts = bbswitch-dkms
conflicts = dkms-bbswitch
conflicts = bbswitch-dkms-git
source = git://
source = bbswitch-dkms-git-zephyrus14.patch
sha256sums = SKIP
sha256sums = c26e9a63e28575cee6518a7e8b21e6886f70b96e9ca922d9b46cfc5b2247a6fe
pkgname = bbswitch-g14-dkms-git