@ -73,6 +73,12 @@ issues on this module in the issue tracker and provide the following details:
- The output of `dmesg | grep -C 10 bbswitch:`
- The output of `dmesg | grep -C 10 bbswitch:`
- The kernel version `uname -a`
- The kernel version `uname -a`
- Your distribution and version (if applicable)
- Your distribution and version (if applicable)
- The output of `lspci -d10de: -vvv`
- The version of your Xorg and the driver
- The version of your Xorg and the driver
- The output of `acpidump` (run it as root, e.g. `sudo acpidump > acpidump.txt`)
- Submit your machine information on https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/752542;
the instructions are listed in the bug description. Summary: install the
packages containing `dmidecode`, `acpidump` and `iasl` and then run:
wget http://lekensteyn.nl/files/get-acpi-info.sh
sh get-acpi-info.sh
Upload the generated tarball on the above Launchpad URL and provide a link to
the comment containing your report.