from __future__ import annotations from dataclasses import KW_ONLY, field from typing import * # type: ignore import rio import datetime from mac_vendor_lookup import AsyncMacLookup from db_classes import * from .. import components as comps class AddPage(rio.Component): partnum: str = "" mac: str = "" serial: str = "" fwver: str = "" code: str = "" popup_message: str = "" popup_show: bool = False popup_color: str = 'warning' date: = tz: datetime.tzinfo = datetime.tzinfo() time: datetime.datetime = time_start: str ="%H:%M") macvendor: str = "" manu: str = "" manufield: str = "" office: str = "" @rio.event.periodic(1) def set_office_init(self): = self.session[comps.Settings].office #print("Populated:", async def check_mac(self,mac): print("Checking", mac) try: macvendor = await AsyncMacLookup().lookup(mac) if self.manufield == "" or self.manufield == self.macvendor: # blank or set by MAC already self.manu = macvendor self.manufield = macvendor else: self.manu = self.manufield self.macvendor = macvendor #print(macvendor) except: pass # not valid MAC? async def check_all(self): await self.check_mac(self.mac) # check part number # lookup in PL_Export_rel async def add_part(self): await self.check_all() if self.code == "": # FAIL self.popup_message = "\n Missing barcode! \n\n" self.popup_show = True self.popup_color = 'danger' else: # OK, add part if create_item(self.partnum, self.serial,, self.code, location=None, description=None, manufacturer=self.manu, mac=self.mac, fwver=self.fwver) == False: self.popup_message = "\n Duplicate barcode! \n\n" self.popup_show = True self.popup_color = 'warning' else: self.popup_message = "\n Part added! \n\n" self.popup_show = True self.popup_color = 'success' str = "" self.partnum: str = "" self.mac: str = "" self.serial: str = "" self.fwver: str = "" self.code: str = "" self.macvendor: str = "" self.manu: str = "" self.manufield: str = "" async def _add_part_enter(self, event: rio.TextInputConfirmEvent): await self.add_part() async def _add_part_button(self): await self.add_part() @rio.event.periodic(1) def update_time_view(self): self.time_start = self.session.timezone.fromutc("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S") self.time = def _set_time(self, event: rio.TextInputChangeEvent): time_str = event.text try: time_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(time_str, "%H:%M").time() dt_with_time = datetime.datetime.combine(, time_obj) dt_with_tz = dt_with_time.replace(tzinfo=self.session.timezone) self.time = dt_with_tz #event.text = #print(self.time) except ValueError: pass async def _update_mac(self, event: rio.TextInputChangeEvent): await self.check_mac(event.text) def _update_partnum(self, event: rio.TextInputChangeEvent): def __find_hm_header(txt): searchlist = ["RSPS", "RSPE", "RSP", "RSB", "LRS", "RS", "OS", "RED", "MSP", "MSM", "MS", "MM", "EESX", "EES", "OZD", "OBR"] for header in searchlist: if txt.find(header) >= 0: return txt.find(header) + len(header) + 2 def __find_header_general(txt): acount = 0 ncount = 0 dash = False for char in txt: if char == '-': dash = True break if char.isdigit(): ncount += 1 if char.isalpha(): acount += 1 if dash and acount <= 5 and ncount <= 5: return acount+ncount return -1 def __find_hm_fwver(txt): a = txt.find(".") if a > 5: return a-2 return -1 def __find_hm_fwmode(txt): a = __find_hm_fwver(txt) #print(a) if txt.find("BRS") == 0: a -= 1 if txt[a] in ['S', 'A']: return txt[a] a = __find_hm_fwver(txt) if txt.find("GRS") == 0: a -= 4 if txt[a:a+2] in ['2S', '2A', '3S', '3A']: # 1040 return txt[a:a+2] elif txt[a+2:a+4] in ['2S', '2A', '3S', '3A']: # 1020/30 return txt[a+2:a+4] a = __find_hm_fwver(txt) if txt.find("RSP") == 0 or txt.find("OS") == 0 or txt.find("MSP") == 0 or txt.find("EESX") == 0 or txt.find("RED"): a -= 2 if txt[a:a+2] in ['2S', '2A', '3S', '3A']: return txt[a:a+2] a = __find_hm_fwver(txt) if txt.find("RS") == 0 or txt.find("MS") == 0: a -= 3 print(txt,txt[a]) if txt[a] in ['P', 'E']: return txt[a] a = __find_hm_fwver(txt) if txt.find("EAGLE") == 0: a -= 2 if txt[a:a+2] in ['3F', 'MB', 'IN', 'UN', 'OP', '01', 'SU', 'NF']: return txt[a:a+2] print("Failed to match software level", repr(txt)) return "" pn = event.text = "" if __find_header_general(pn) >= 0: # hirschmann switch detected = pn[0:__find_header_general(pn)] if __find_hm_fwver(pn) >= 0: self.fwver = pn[__find_hm_fwver(pn):] if len(__find_hm_fwmode(pn)) > 0: self.fwver += " SWL-" + __find_hm_fwmode(pn) def build(self) -> rio.Component: return rio.Column( rio.Popup( anchor=rio.Text( text="Add a part below:", style='heading1', align_x = 0.5 ), color=self.bind().popup_color, is_open=self.bind().popup_show, content=rio.Text( text=self.bind().popup_message, ), ), rio.TextInput( label="Barcode", text=self.bind().code ), rio.TextInput( label="Full part number", text=self.bind().partnum, on_change=self._update_partnum ), rio.TextInput( label="Serial", text=self.bind().serial ), rio.TextInput( label="MAC", text=self.bind().mac, on_change=self._update_mac ), rio.TextInput( label="Manufacturer", text=self.bind().manufield ), rio.TextInput( label="FW Ver", text=self.bind().fwver, on_confirm=self._add_part_enter ), rio.Row( # rio.DateInput( # label="Timestamp", # value=self.bind().date # ), rio.TextInput( #text= is_sensitive=False, text = self.bind().time_start, #on_change=self._set_time ) ), rio.Button( content="Add", on_press=self._add_part_button ), spacing=2, width=60, margin_bottom=4, align_x=0.5, align_y=0, )