[gui] ; Screen number to display notifications on when using a multi-head desktop. screen= ; 0 indexed screen number ; WARNING: Deprecated by "screen" ; Absolute position from the top-left corner of the slide. You may need it for a multi-screen setup. ; You still have to set position in order to choose the slide animation. If empty, twmnd will try ; to figure out where to display the slide according to your desktop size and the slide position. absolute_position= ; Supported format: WxH. Width and Height being integers. ; Background color. background_color=black ; RBG hex and keywords (eg. lightgray) are supported. ; An icon for the layout. Useful only for a layout file. icon= ; Path to image file. Optional. ; Font family. font=Sans ; Font size. font_size=20 ; In pixel. ; Font variation. ; accepted values are: ; oblique, italic, ultra-light, light, medium, semi-bold, bold, ultra-bold, heavy, ultra-condensed, ; extra-condensed, condensed, semi-condensed, semi-expanded, expanded, extra-expanded, ultra-expanded. font_variant=medium ; Text color. foreground_color=white ; RBG hex and keywords (eg. lightgray) are supported. ; Height of the slide bar. Useful to match your tiling window manager's bar. height=26 ; In pixel. ; Position of the notification slide. position=bottom_left ; Accepted values: top_right (tr), top_left (tl), bottom_right (br), ; bottom_left (bl), top_center (tc), bottom_center (bc), center (c). ; moves the position of the slide in +/- pixels on the x or y axis (e.g. "+50" or "-100") offset_x=+0 ; default is 0 offset_y=+0 ; default is 0 ; The animation to use when the slide appear in_animation=14 ; see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qeasingcurve.html#Type-enum for types ; The in animation's duration in_animation_duration=0 ; in milliseconds ; The animation to use whe the slide is closing out_animation=14 ; The out animation's duration out_animation_duration=250 ; in milliseconds ; Enable or disable notification bounce when changing notification bounce=false ; true or false ; Change bounce duration bounce_duration=50 ; in milliseconds ; If the character length is more then max_length the text is cut off and "..." is appended max_length = -1 ; default is -1 (which means: don't cut off) [icons] ; An icon. You can add as many as you want. NAME= ; Path to image file. NAME being the icon's custom name. [main] ; Program/command to be executed on notification activation. activate_command= ; Path to command. ; Time each notification remains visible. duration=2500 ; In millisecond. ; Host address to listen on for notifications. host= ; UDP port used for notifications. port=9797 ; Program/command to play sound with. sound_command= ; Path to command. Leave empty for no sound.