function __z_add -d "Add PATH to .z file" for i in $Z_EXCLUDE if contains -- $PWD $i return 0 #Path excluded end end set -l tmpfile (mktemp $Z_DATA.XXXXXX) if test -f $tmpfile command awk -v path="$PWD" -v now=(date +%s) -F "|" ' BEGIN { rank[path] = 1 time[path] = now } $2 >= 1 { if( $1 == path ) { rank[$1] = $2 + 1 time[$1] = now } else { rank[$1] = $2 time[$1] = $3 } count += $2 } END { if( count > 1000 ) { for( i in rank ) print i "|" 0.9*rank[i] "|" time[i] # aging } else for( i in rank ) print i "|" rank[i] "|" time[i] } ' $Z_DATA 2>/dev/null >$tmpfile if test ! -z "$Z_OWNER" chown $Z_OWNER:(id -ng $Z_OWNER) $tmpfile end # # Don't use redirection here as it can lead to a race condition where $Z_DATA is clobbered. # Note: There is a still a possible race condition where an old version of $Z_DATA is # read by one instance of Fish before another instance of Fish writes its copy. # command mv $tmpfile $Z_DATA or command rm $tmpfile end __z_complete end