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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Kattni Rembor for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# MODIFIED to use pololu motor drivers, but compatible with adafruit_servokit driver layout
# by Amelia Deck
# Based on as well
CircuitPython helper library for the PWM/Servo FeatherWing, Shield and Pi HAT and Bonnet kits.
* Author(s): Kattni Rembor
Implementation Notes
* `8-Channel PWM or Servo FeatherWing <>`_
* `Adafruit 16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Shield <>`_
* `Adafruit 16-Channel PWM/Servo HAT for Raspberry Pi <>`_
* `Adafruit 16-Channel PWM/Servo Bonnet for Raspberry Pi <>`_
**Software and Dependencies:**
* Adafruit CircuitPython firmware for the supported boards:
* Adafruit's Bus Device library:
* Adafruit's Register library:
* Adafruit's PCA9685 library:
* Adafruit's Motor library:
#import board
#from adafruit_pca9685 import PCA9685
from typing import Optional
import maestro
import time
#from busio import I2C
#from adafruit_motor.servo import Servo, ContinuousServo
except ImportError:
__version__ = "0.0.0+auto.0"
__repo__ = ""
pca = None
class ServoKit:
"""Class representing an Adafruit PWM/Servo FeatherWing, Shield or Pi HAT and Bonnet kits.
Automatically uses the I2C bus on a Feather, Metro or Raspberry Pi.
Initialise the PCA9685 chip at ``address``.
The internal reference clock is 25MHz but may vary slightly with environmental conditions and
manufacturing variances. Providing a more precise ``reference_clock_speed`` can improve the
accuracy of the frequency and duty_cycle computations. See the ```` example in
the `PCA9685 GitHub repo <>`_ for
how to derive this value by measuring the resulting pulse widths.
:param int channels: The number of servo channels available. Must be 8 or 16. The FeatherWing
has 8 channels. The Shield, HAT, and Bonnet have 16 channels.
:param ~I2C i2c: The I2C bus to use. If not provided, it will use generate the default I2C
bus singleton ``busio.I2C()`` and use that.
:param int address: The I2C address of the PCA9685. Default address is ``0x40``.
:param int reference_clock_speed: The frequency of the internal reference clock in Hertz.
Default reference clock speed is ``25000000``.
:param int frequency: The overall PWM frequency of the PCA9685 in Hertz.
Default frequency is ``50``.
def __init__(
channels: int,
#i2c: Optional[I2C] = None,
address: str = "/dev/ttyACM0",
reference_clock_speed: int = 25000000,
frequency: int = 50 # actually, device ID over serial pololu protocol. using existing var names for full compatibility!
) -> None:
if channels not in [6, 12, 18, 24]:
raise ValueError("servo_channels must be 6, 12, 18, 24!")
self._items = [None] * channels
self._channels = channels
#if i2c is None:
# i2c = board.I2C()
#self._pca = PCA9685(
# i2c, address=address, reference_clock_speed=reference_clock_speed
#self._pca.frequency = frequency
global pca
self._pca = maestro.Controller(ttyStr=address,device=frequency)
pca = self._pca
self._servo = _Servo(self)
def servo(self) -> "_Servo":
""":class:`~adafruit_motor.servo.Servo` controls for standard servos.
This FeatherWing example rotates a servo on channel ``0`` to ``180`` degrees for one second,
and then returns it to ``0`` degrees.
.. code-block:: python
import time
from adafruit_servokit import ServoKit
kit = ServoKit(channels=8)
kit.servo[0].angle = 180
kit.servo[0].angle = 0
return self._servo
class _Servo:
# pylint: disable=protected-access
def __init__(self, kit: ServoKit) -> None:
self.kit = kit
def __getitem__(self, servo_channel: int):
#import adafruit_motor.servo # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
num_channels = self.kit._channels
if servo_channel >= num_channels or servo_channel < 0:
raise ValueError("servo must be 0-{}!".format(num_channels - 1))
servo = pololuservo(servo_channel)
return servo
raise ValueError("Channel {} is already in use.".format(servo_channel))
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.kit._items)
class pololuservo:
def __init__(self, ch, actuation_range: int = 180, min_pulse: int = 1600, max_pulse: int = 9900): = ch
self.actuation_range = actuation_range
self._min_duty = min_pulse
self._max_duty = max_pulse
self._duty_range = max_pulse - min_pulse
self.duty_cycle = 0
print("init servo", ch)
pca.setAccel(ch, 15)
pca.setTarget(ch, int((max_pulse-min_pulse)/2 + min_pulse)) # set midpoint
pca.setAccel(ch, 0)
def angle(self) -> Optional[float]:
"""The servo angle in degrees. Must be in the range ``0`` to ``actuation_range``.
Is None when servo is disabled."""
if self.fraction is None: # special case for disabled servos
return None
return self.actuation_range * self.fraction
def angle(self, new_angle: Optional[float]) -> None:
if new_angle is None: # disable the servo by sending 0 signal
self.fraction = None
if new_angle < 0 or new_angle > self.actuation_range:
raise ValueError("Angle out of range")
self.fraction = new_angle / self.actuation_range
def fraction(self) -> Optional[float]:
"""Pulse width expressed as fraction between 0.0 (`min_pulse`) and 1.0 (`max_pulse`).
For conventional servos, corresponds to the servo position as a fraction
of the actuation range. Is None when servo is diabled (pulsewidth of 0ms).
if self.duty_cycle == 0: # Special case for disabled servos
return None
return (self.duty_cycle - self._min_duty) / self._duty_range
def fraction(self, value: Optional[float]) -> None:
if value is None:
#self._pwm_out.duty_cycle = 0 # disable the motor
if not 0.0 <= value <= 1.0:
raise ValueError("Must be 0.0 to 1.0")
#if > 2 and < 6:
# valuetmp = 1.0 - value
# self.duty_cycle = self._min_duty + int(valuetmp * self._duty_range)
self.duty_cycle = self._min_duty + int(value * self._duty_range)
#if == 0:
#self._pwm_out.duty_cycle = duty_cycle