import math import serial import RPi.GPIO as gpio import time ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 115200) gpio.setmode(gpio.BCM) gpio.setup(13, gpio.OUT) pwm = gpio.PWM(13, 100) pwm.start(13) verbose = True print("[ INFO ] Initializing Grbl...") ser.write(b'\r\n\r\n') time.sleep(2) ser.write(b'$RST=#\n') time.sleep(1) ser.flushInput() print("[ INFO ] Grbl is ready.") def goToBin(bin): print("[ INFO ] Delivering item to bin: " + str(bin)) adjustedBin = math.floor(bin / 2) if adjustedBin > 11: print("[ INFO ] All bins full! Using overflow bin.") bin = 0; adjustedBin = 0; distance = adjustedBin * 18 delay = 0.5 + 0.93 * adjustedBin command = 'G0 X-' command += str(distance) print("[ INFO ] Sending command to Grbl: " + command) command += '\n' ser.write(b'$X\n') time.sleep(0.25) ser.write(command.encode('utf-8')) # s.write("$C\n") while True: grbl_out = str(ser.readline().strip()) # Wait for grbl response with carriage return #print(grbl_out.find('error')) if int(grbl_out.find('error')) >= 0 : print("[ EXIT ] Grbl reported an error.") quit() elif int(grbl_out.find('ok')) >= 0 : if verbose: print('[ INFO ] Grbl message: ',grbl_out) break print("[ INFO ] Waiting for " + str(delay) + " seconds.") time.sleep(delay) if bin % 2 == 0: # tilt to left print("[ INFO ] Titling motor to left side.") pwm.ChangeDutyCycle(5) time.sleep(1) pwm.ChangeDutyCycle(14) else: print("[ INFO ] Titling motor to right side.") pwm.ChangeDutyCycle(25) time.sleep(1) pwm.ChangeDutyCycle(13) time.sleep(1) print("[ INFO ] Sending command to Grbl: G0 X0") ser.write(b'G0 X0\n') while True: grbl_out = str(ser.readline().strip()) # Wait for grbl response with carriage return if int(grbl_out.find('error')) >= 0 : print("[ EXIT ] Grbl reported an error.") quit() elif int(grbl_out.find('ok')) >= 0 : if verbose: print('[ INFO ] Grbl message: ',grbl_out) break print("[ INFO ] Waiting for " + str(delay) + " seconds.") time.sleep(delay)