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#pragma config(I2C_Usage, I2C1, i2cSensors)
#pragma config(Sensor, I2C_1, , sensorQuadEncoderOnI2CPort, , AutoAssign )
#pragma config(Sensor, I2C_2, , sensorQuadEncoderOnI2CPort, , AutoAssign )
#pragma config(Motor, port1, , tmotorVex393_HBridge, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, port2, shoot, tmotorVex393_MC29, openLoop, reversed)
#pragma config(Motor, port3, driveLB, tmotorVex393_MC29, openLoop, reversed, encoderPort, I2C_2)
#pragma config(Motor, port4, driveLF, tmotorVex393_MC29, openLoop, reversed)
#pragma config(Motor, port5, driveRB, tmotorVex393_MC29, openLoop, reversed, encoderPort, I2C_1)
#pragma config(Motor, port6, driveRF, tmotorVex393_MC29, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, port7, bintake, tmotorVex393_MC29, openLoop, reversed)
#pragma config(Motor, port8, , tmotorVex393_MC29, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, port9, , tmotorVex393_MC29, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, port10, , tmotorVex393_HBridge, openLoop)
//*!!Code automatically generated by 'ROBOTC' configuration wizard !!*//
#pragma platform(VEX2)
#pragma competitionControl(Competition)
#include "Vex_Competition_Includes.c"
// some variable definitions
#define MAX_SPEED 127 // Max speed of the motors
#define STOP 0
#define DEADZONE 10
23.4 / (2 * pi * 2.075) * 672.2
23.4 = inches in a tile
2.075 = exact radius of 4" omniwheels
2 * pi * r is circumference of the wheel
627.2 points in a revolution with the vex encoders
final calculation is the amount of points of rotation per tile of movement
#define TILE 1206
// How much the wheels should spin in a 90 degree turn
#define POINTS_PER_TURN 360
// definitions for driveTiles()
#define FORWARD true
#define REVERSE false
void shootBall() {
motor[shoot] = MAX_SPEED;
wait(1.25); // Shooting takes 1.25 seconds.
// Any unwanted extra movement will be undone by the rubber bands.
motor[shoot] = STOP;
void clearEnc();
void joystickDrive() {
if(abs(vexRT[Ch3]) > DEADZONE) {
motor[driveLB] = vexRT[Ch3];
motor[driveLF] = vexRT[Ch3];
else {
motor[driveLB] = STOP;
motor[driveLF] = STOP;
if(abs(vexRT[Ch2]) > DEADZONE) {
motor[driveRB] = vexRT[Ch2];
motor[driveRF] = vexRT[Ch2];
else {
motor[driveRB] = STOP;
motor[driveRF] = STOP;
void buttonChecks() {
if (vexRT[Btn5U] == 1) {
motor[bintake] = MAX_SPEED;
else if (vexRT[Btn5D] == 1) {
motor[bintake] = -MAX_SPEED;
else {
motor[bintake] = STOP;
if (vexRT[Btn8D] == 1) {
} // No need for reverse on the ball launcher!
void pre_auton() {
/* Set bStopTasksBetweenModes to false if you want to keep user created tasks
running between Autonomous and Driver controlled modes. You will need to
manage all user created tasks if set to false. */
bStopTasksBetweenModes = true;
void driveTiles(int numberOfTiles, bool direction) {
// when direction is true, move forward, otherwise go in reverse
while(direction == FORWARD && numberOfTiles * TILE > nMotorEncoder[1]) {
if(abs(nMotorEncoder[1]) - 10 > nMotorEncoder[2]) {
motor[driveLB] = 100;
motor[driveLF] = 100;
motor[driveRB] = 90;
motor[driveRF] = 90;
if(abs(nMotorEncoder[2]) - 10 > nMotorEncoder[1]) {
motor[driveLB] = 90;
motor[driveLF] = 90;
motor[driveRB] = 100;
motor[driveRF] = 100;
} else {
motor[driveLB] = 100;
motor[driveLF] = 100;
motor[driveRB] = 100;
motor[driveRF] = 100;
while(direction == REVERSE && numberOfTiles * TILE > nMotorEncoder[1]) {
if(abs(nMotorEncoder[1]) - 10 > nMotorEncoder[2]) {
motor[driveLB] = -100;
motor[driveLF] = -100;
motor[driveRB] = -90;
motor[driveRF] = -90;
if(abs(nMotorEncoder[2]) - 10 > nMotorEncoder[1]) {
motor[driveLB] = -90;
motor[driveLF] = -90;
motor[driveRB] = -100;
motor[driveRF] = -100;
} else {
motor[driveLB] = -100;
motor[driveLF] = -100;
motor[driveRB] = -100;
motor[driveRF] = -100;
motor[driveLB] = 0;
motor[driveLF] = 0;
motor[driveRB] = 0;
motor[driveRF] = 0;
task autonomous() {
driveTiles(2, FORWARD); // Move 2 forward to hit bottom flag
driveTiles(1, REVERSE);
driveTiles(0.33, REVERSE); // Drive 1/3 of a tile backwards to hit the wall and align ourselves!
flipOn(); // Turn on the ball intake in reverse, which is what we can use to flip the caps
driveTiles(1.25, FORWARD); // flip cap
driveTiles(1, REVERSE);
driveTiles(1, REVERSE);
driveTiles(0.33, REVERSE);
driveTiles(2.5, FORWARD);
driveTiles(0.1, FORWARD);
driveTiles(0.33, REVERSE);
void turnRight(int turns) {
while(turns * POINTS_PER_TURN < nMotorEncoder[1]){
void turnLeft(int turns) {
while(turns * POINTS_PER_TURN < nMotorEncoder[1]){
void clearEnc() { // Reset driving motor encoder values to 0
nMotorEncoder[1] = 0;
nMotorEncoder[2] = 0;
void flipOn() {
motor[bintake] = -MAX_SPEED;
void ballOff() {
motor[bintake] = 0;
void ballIn() {
motor[bintake] = MAX_SPEED;
task usercontrol() { // In user control mode
while (true) {
joystickDrive(); // Joystick mapping function
buttonChecks(); // Button mapping, for lift, ball launcher, etc.