from call_api import call_api from read_api_details import parse_csv_to_dict import json def main(): base_url = "" # Replace with your actual base URL details = parse_csv_to_dict("apidetails.csv") print(details.keys()) # Prompt the user for the API call api_call = input("Enter the API call (e.g., about.php): ").strip() full_url = base_url + api_call print(details[api_call]) # Prompt the user for the method method = input("Enter the HTTP method (POST/GET): ").strip().upper() auto_include = [] if 'PARAM' in details[api_call]: for param, val in details[api_call]["PARAM"].items(): # print(param, val) if val == method: print(param, end="") if 'KEY' in details[api_call]: for keyname, key in details[api_call]["KEY"].items(): if keyname == param: print("=" + key, end="") auto_include.append((keyname, key)) print("") # Prompt the user for parameters params = {} while True: param_name = input("Enter parameter name (or press enter to finish): ").strip() if param_name == "": break param_value = input(f"Enter value for '{param_name}': ").strip() params[param_name] = param_value for param in auto_include: params[param[0]] = param[1] # Call the API try: response = call_api(full_url, method, params) print("Response Status Code:", response.status_code) try: print("Response JSON:", json.dumps(response.json(), indent=2)) except ValueError: print("Response Text:", response.text) except Exception as e: print("Error:", str(e)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()