#!/usr/bin/env sh set -f #set -x MainMenu="Install/Tools/Download/Test/Dump" Install="Back/Install_this_script_to_disk/Docker/multilib" Docker="Back/Install_docker/Change_storage_driver" Install_docker() { $dlcmd - -q https://get.docker.com | $rootcmd sh; } Tools="Back/File_browser" File_browser() { MODE="File_browser" FILE_PATH="$FILE_PATH/$1" list=$(ls -ha "$FILE_PATH") logprint "$list" newlist=$(split_ls "$list") newlist=$(split_ls2 "$newlist") logprint "$newlist" drawmenu $newlist } Download="Back/Utilities/ISOs/Configs/NAS_Browser" Utilities="Back/Proxmox_post_install_script" Proxmox_post_install_script() { $dlcmd - -q deck.sh/p; $rootcmd bash; } NAS_Browser() { curl -k "sftp://$SFTP_HOST:$SFTP_PORT/$SFTP_START/$1" --user "$SFTP_USER:$SFTP_PASS"; } #MODE="Nas_Browser"; Test="Back/Network_connectivity" Network_connectivity() { (ping -c3 || (echo "No network access!" && sleep 1.5)) && (ping deck.sh -c3 || (echo "No DNS!" && sleep 1.5)) && echo "Looks good!" && sleep 1; } STARTINGMENU=$MainMenu # note: cannot be a child unless it specifies the parent name instead of "Back" SFTP_HOST=git.deck.sh SFTP_PORT=32850 SFTP_USER=cole SFTP_PASS= SFTP_START=/mnt/dalek FILE_PATH=$(pwd) #SIZE=$(stty size) #WIDTH=$(printf "$SIZE" | cut -d' ' -f2) #if [ "$WIDTH" = "" ]; then WIDTH=1000 #HEIGHT=$(printf "$SIZE" | cut -d' ' -f1) #if [ "$HEIGHT" = "" ]; then HEIGHT=1000 # echo $WIDTH $HEIGHT oldifs=$IFS Back="Back" # Internal use, do not change MENUSTACK="$STARTINGMENU" # initialize stack CURRENTMENU="$STARTINGMENU" # initialize current menu MENUSIZE=0 MODE="" logprint() { echo "$@" >> log.txt } getNth() { shift "$(( $1 + 1 ))"; printf '%s\n' "$1"; } getLast() { getNth "$(( $(length "$@") - 1 ))" "$@"; } length() { echo "$#"; } deleteFirst() { shift MENUSTACK="" for menu in $@; do if [ "$MENUSTACK" = "" ]; then MENUSTACK="$menu" else MENUSTACK="$MENUSTACK|$menu" fi done logprint "Deleted entry. State: $MENUSTACK" } addFirst() { MENUSTACK="$1|$MENUSTACK"; } clrline() { printf "\33[2K\r" } relamove() { # relamove 1 -2 = move right 1 and down 2 if [ "$2" -gt 0 ]; then printf "\033["$2"A" elif [ "$2" -lt 0 ]; then invert=$(echo $2 | cut -d'-' -f 2) printf "\033["$invert"B" fi if [ "$1" -gt 0 ]; then printf "\033["$1"C" elif [ "$1" -lt 0 ]; then invert=$(echo $1 | cut -d'-' -f 2) printf "\033["$invert"D" fi } menumove() { if [ "$1" -lt 0 ] && [ $(($MENUPOS - $1)) -lt $MENUSIZE ]; then printf " " relamove -1 $1 printf "*" relamove -1 0 MENUPOS=$(($MENUPOS - $1)) elif [ "$1" -gt 0 ] && [ $(($MENUPOS - $1)) -ge 0 ]; then printf " " relamove -1 $1 printf "*" relamove -1 0 MENUPOS=$(($MENUPOS - $1)) fi } split() { old_ifs=$IFS IFS=$2 set -- $1 printf '%s ' "$@" IFS=$old_ifs } split_ls() { old_ifs=$IFS IFS=$'\n' set -- $1 printf '%s/' "$@" IFS=$old_ifs } split_ls2() { old_ifs=$IFS IFS=' ' set -- $1 printf '%s_' "$@" IFS=$old_ifs } # Initial values drawmenu() { # initialize menu only. too expensize to do each time IFS="|" if [ "$1" = "Back" ] && [ "$(length $MENUSTACK)" -gt 1 ]; then deleteFirst $MENUSTACK elif [ "$(getNth 0 \"$MENUSTACK\")" != "$1" ] && [ "$1" != "Back" ] && [ "$MODE" = "" ]; then addFirst $1 logprint "Adding $1" logprint "State: $MENUSTACK" fi if [ "$MODE" != "" ]; then CURRENTMENU="$1" # when not using the stack, pull directly from the arg list else CURRENTMENU="$(getNth 0 $MENUSTACK)" fi logprint "Drawing $CURRENTMENU" OLDMENUSIZE=$MENUSIZE MENUSIZE=0 MENUPOS=0 relamove -$WIDTH $HEIGHT IFS="/" for line in $CURRENTMENU; do MENUSIZE=$(($MENUSIZE + 1)) relamove -$WIDTH -1 clrline relamove 5 0 IFS=$oldifs split "$line" _ IFS="/" #printf "$line" done logprint "Old size: $OLDMENUSIZE, New size $MENUSIZE" IFS=$oldifs if [ "$OLDMENUSIZE" -gt "$MENUSIZE" ]; then for line in $(seq $(($OLDMENUSIZE - $MENUSIZE))); do relamove 0 -1 clrline done relamove 0 $(($OLDMENUSIZE - $MENUSIZE + 1)) fi relamove -$WIDTH $MENUSIZE relamove 4 -1 printf "*" relamove -1 0 } selected() { IFS="/" temp_pos_count=0 for line in $CURRENTMENU; do if [ "$temp_pos_count" = "$MENUPOS" ]; then IFS=$oldifs logprint "Got: $(eval echo \"\$$line\")" if [ "$MODE" != "" ]; then $MODE "$line" elif [ "$(eval echo \"\$$line\")" = "" ]; then clear "$line" # execute function sleep 0.5 clear IFS="|" deleteFirst $MENUSTACK IFS=$oldifs drawmenu "$CURRENTMENU" else drawmenu "$(eval echo \"\$$line\")" fi break fi temp_pos_count=$(($temp_pos_count + 1)) done IFS=$oldifs } # check for downloader to use if which curl; then dlcmd="curl -fsSL -o" elif which wget; then dlcmd="wget -O" else dlcmd="echo No downloader found!" fi # check for root util if [ "$USER" = "root" ]; then rootcmd="" elif which sudo; then rootcmd="sudo" elif which doas; then rootcmd="doas" else dlcmd="echo No root access possible!" fi # Startup: clear screen and load main menu clear drawmenu "$STARTINGMENU" # input loop while read -rsn1 ui